Speech and language impairments can negatively impact one's ability to function. While speech is associated
with articulation or the way we say our speech sounds, language is related to our understanding and usage of
words. The different areas of language include receptive (understanding), expressive (usage), and pragmatic (social communication) language skills. The following is a list of areas we can address through speech and language therapy:
-Receptive Language
-Expressive Language
-Alternative and Augmentative Communication
-Childhood and Acquired Apraxia of Speech
-Pragmatic/Social Language (across the life span)
-Articulation and Phonology
-Fluency (Stuttering)
-Memory/Cognitive Therapy
-Executive Functioning Disorder
-Accent Reduction Modification
Specializations and Training Include the following:
-The Kaufman Method for Childhood Apraxia of Speech
-Augmentative and Alternative Communication (i.e. LAMP, Proloquo2go, TouchChat)
-American Sign Language
-The Baby Signs® Program
-Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS®)
-Michelle Garcia Winner's Social Thinking Curriculum
- Teletherapy
-Orton Gillingham Approach
-Speech To Print
-IEW - Institute for Excellence in Writing
Click the image below to download a free speech sound development chart.